RQI Rotors
RQI rotors are custom built to retrofit within existing crusher housings, typically maintaining the OEM swing diameter and hammer length. We offer primary solid rotor body rotors, recycle rotors, and open disc type secondary rotors.

Primary Rotors
These rotors are used when top feed size exceeds 30″. They are of solid body construction, made of stacked and welded discs. These discs are fitted onto a heavy wall center tube, and then welded. Continuous V- and fillet welds connect the discs to each other around the entire circumference, and through the rotor slots. Disc material is a high quality pressure vessel steel with special heat treatment.
Careful preheating during burning of the discs and during welding assures that the heat treatment qualities are maintained in the discs, providing for sound and strong weld seams. Prior to finish machining of the rotor bodies, they undergo thermal stress relief.
Primary rotors are fitted with The Bar and Cap System ™
Recycle Rotors
These rotors are used in recycle crushers handling concrete slabs, asphalt slabs, or in light duty primary crushers where the top feed size is typically less than a 30″ cube. The rotor body is of solid construction in back of the hammers, with 6″ wedge discs protruding up in front of the hammers. The materials and construction are of the same high quality as our primary rotors. Recycle rotors are equipped with heat treated steel hammers, which are reversible.
Secondary Rotors
Open disc style, secondary rotors, equipped with reversible high chrome hammers, are recommended where top feed size does not exceed a 10″ cube. The top feed size can be up to a 16″ cube when these rotors are equipped with heat treated steel hammers. Materials and construction are also held to the same high standards as previously described.
Shafts and Rotor Body Mounting
Our shafts are made from AISI 4340 steel, which has been normalized, quenched, and tempered. Rotor body mounting is keyless, utilizing heavy duty taperlocking elements. We use special procedures while installing the taperlocks, as set by the manufacturers of the taperlock elements.
Dynamic Balancing
All rotor body and shaft assemblies are dynamically balanced to exacting tolerances.
Our rotor bodies have hardsurface welds applied to all surfaces exposed to wear.
Shaft Wear Sleeves and Flingers
Where possible, we install hardsurfaced wear sleeves over the shafts where they penetrate the crusher housing. Also, hardsurfaced flinger bars are provided on the ends of the rotor bodies to keep the wear liner recesses at the crusher housing free from material build-up.